Our vision statement at South Beach is:
Loving God. Loving people. Serving the community.
We want to be a vibrant, lively Christian fellowship, aspirational in our thinking, in our planning and in our living. Here’s what that looks like as we do church together:
Loving God
We believe in an awesome God and want to express that in worship services that overflow with people praising Him and daily lives which gladly give God first place.
Prayer is vital in our relationship with God and so we want to encourage and support people in prayer, both individually and together.
Loving People
Everyone is important to God and loved by Him, and so we welcome everyone, whatever their situation or beliefs.
Everyone is valued and so we encourage everyone to play their part discovering and using their gifts and talents.
Serving the Community
We want to spread the good news about Jesus within the local community and beyond.
We want to show the love of Jesus in practical ways, too, so want to encourage the effective use of our facilities to meet spiritual and social needs, participating in community events on a regular basis.
We are excited to share out ‘Vision and Strategy’ for the next 5 years. For more information please visit our Vision Website at:-