young people at sbbc

You and your family are so welcome here at SBBC – both on Sundays and during the week. We hope to build a community that supports parents and carers, and creates safe, fun spaces where children and young people can make friends and grow in their relationship with Jesus.


During our Sunday gatherings, we spend about 20 minutes worshipping together and catching up with what's going on in the life of the church. Then the children and young people are invited to go to their own groups where each group has its own programme, and leaders provide a safe and fun environment in which to learn about God.

  • Bible Class - P7-S6

This is an opportunity for our young people to explore the Bible together and ask questions about the things that matter to them.

youth housegroup

During this time our young people hang out together, sometimes at church, sometimes out and about. It’s a time to focus on God and help each other grow in what it means to be Christians today. They eat snacks, chill, and chat about the stuff that’s important to them!

Youth Housegroup meets on most Sunday evenings, from 6pm-7:30pm, during term time.

Youth CafÉ

This is for everyone in P7 to S6. As well as the tuck shop and the hot chocolate, there are board games, pool, table tennis, music and a space to chill out.

Youth Café meets every second Friday, during term time, from 7:30pm-9pm.


At SBBC, we take the well-being and safety of all young people very seriously. All of our teams go through our safeguarding process which includes PVG checks, safeguarding training and following our safeguarding policy.