Sundays at South Beach


Every Sunday we meet together to spend time worshipping God and exploring the Bible together.
We would love you to join us! 

What to expect

Our service is informal, please just come as you are. Our welcome team will greet you when you arrive and can answer any questions you might have about your visit. As a church we have a wide age range of people worshipping with us, so please know that you will not feel out of place! During the service we will take an offering but if you are visiting don't feel that you have to give.

Our normal Sunday service times are shown below.   



10:15 - 10:45Am

We meet in the church lounge to pray for the day’s events. Everyone is welcome. Drop in as and when you can.


Morning service

11:00 - 12:30PM

A service ideal for all ages with worship and teaching.

We spend about 20 minutes worshipping together and catching up with what's going on in the life of the church. Then the children and young people are invited to go to their own groups where each group has its own programme and leaders provide a safe and fun environment in which to learn about God. 

  • Creche - 0-2 years

  • Sunday School - Children up to P7

  • Bible Class - S1-S6

Once a month as part of our service we will celebrate Communion together. At the end of the service there is an opportunity for you to chat to and pray with someone from our prayer ministry team. We also have refreshments at the end of the service, so please feel welcome to stay and have a chat.

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Youth group for S1-S6

Our young people hang out together, sometimes at church, sometimes out and about. It’s a time to Focus on God and help each other grow in what it means to be Christians today. They eat snacks, chill, and chat about the stuff that’s important to them! 

        For more information, please contact us here.